收集舊書 :
25/6/2009 (星期四)(12:45 p.m. - 1: 45 p.m.)
售賣中一級舊書 :
12/7/2009 (星期日)(更改為 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. )
13/7/2009 (星期一)(9:30a.m. - 11:30a.m.)
本校圖書館於 1998年年底建立,全面電腦化及冷氣化圖書館, 使借還圖書服務更方便快捷。同學可透過電腦查閱線上的圖書館目錄,搜索圖書資料。館藏資料約有二萬項,包括中、英文圖書、參考書、期刊雜誌、視聽教材、多媒體電腦教材、掛圖等。 環境舒適的閱讀平台和綠意盎然的圖書館,是同學們在小息、午膳和放學時留連的好地方。館內設有教學資源室、八部多媒體電腦、掃描器、影印機、打印機、二合一電視錄影機和卡式收音錄音機等設施,供師生使用。 為鼓勵同學多閱讀,廣泛汲取知識,提昇智能,養成自學及自我增值的習慣,我們舉辦了多種不同類型的活動和比賽,如早晨閱讀計劃、好書推介、書展、班際閱讀龍虎榜;還與各學科配合,鼓勵同學跨科學習,積極善用圖書館各類資源,如「悅讀越多 FUN」閱讀獎勵計劃、好書獻給您、專題研習......等。
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Book ReportName: Peter Yan (39)
Class: 3A
Date: 18 November, 2008
Name of the book: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Author of the book: Lewis Carroll
Publisher of the book: Puffin Classics
Today is 18 November 2008. I have read a book called ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’. The book has 141 pages. The book was written by Lewis Carroll. It was published by Penguin Classics.
The book is a story for children. The main characters are Alice and white rabbit. The book is about a girl, Alice. She lives in an ordinary life, until one day she sees a white rabbit and follows him down a rabbit-hole. She suddenly finds herself in a different world, surrounded by different creatures like the Mad Hotter, the Duchess and the Cheshire Cat. Alice wants to return her world so she has a magical journey in that special word.
Alice sees a white rabbit and follows him down a rabbit-hole. When she opens her eyes, she discovers herself in a very different world. Then, she sees a caterpillar and she asks it how she can return her world and the caterpillar told Alice to ask the Cheshire cat. So Alice asks the cat but the cat plays tricks on Alice and cheats her to find the March Hare and the Hatter. When Alice finds them, she sees the white rabbit going to a garden. So she follows him to the garden.
When Alice follows the white rabbit to the garden, some men catch her and take her to see the Queen. The Queen sees Alice and plays ball game with her. If Alice wins the game, she can leave. But Alice loses the game and the Queen calls her soldiers to kill Alice. Then Alice runs away. Suddenly, she falls down and closes her eyes. When she opens her eyes, she discovers she returns her home.
I recommend this book to my friends because this book is very interesting and exciting. The content is very substantial so I want to recommend this book to my friends.
"The Big Balloon Race" Book Report
Book Report
Name: Yuki Ho (9)
Class: 3A
Date: 23 November, 2008
Name of the book: The Big Balloon Race
Author of the book: Eleanor Coerr
Publisher of the book: Carolyn Croll
Today is 23 November 2008. I have read a book called ‘The Big Balloon Race’. The book has 62 pages. The book was written by Eleanor Coerr. It was published by Carolyn Croll.
The book is a story book. The main characters are Ariel and Carlotta the Great. The book is about a little girl named Ariel and her mother Carlotta the Great. Ariel would love to be in the basket of Lucky Star on the day of the big balloon race against Bernard the Brave. Her mother Carlotta was the best lady balloonist in America. But Ariel’s parents thought she was too young.
When it was the day of the big balloon race, Ariel hoped to go up in the hot-air balloon contest with her mother Carlotta, but her mother Carlotta thought she was too young and the hot-air balloon was always dangerous. In fact, the most essential reason was the hot-air balloon could not support two person’s weights, but Ariel did not know. Ariel wanted to fall asleep in hot-air balloon basket, until her mother’s balloon lifted off, Ariel woke up. In the event, they underwent many hardship, finally, Ariel and her mother won the race.
I like this book very much because this book is an interesting book and fun book. This book can help me learn some vocabulary which are specific to ballooning. For example, an updraft, gas, altimeter, airstream, etc. This is my first contact to these vocabulary. So I will recommend this book to my friends and my classmates because it is suitable for children.
地 點:學校操場
時間:早會8:25a.m. – 8:50a.m.
獎 項:博士1人、碩士2人、學士1人、副學士2人、文憑4人、高級證書21人、初級證書32人、證書99人。
評 估:葉懿東同學分數高達210分,已頒發海洋公園入場券作為禮物。
1E 莊秀芬 證書
1E 周俊豪 證書
1E 李智銘 證書
1E 蔡天寶 證書
1F 李雅冰 證書
2A 陳穎生 初級證書
4D 姚植桁 初級證書
1A 盧嘉欣 高級證書
4B 楊雋德 高級證書
2A 陳欣婷 文憑
2A 溫曉敏 文憑
1A 林美莉 初級文憑
4D 葉懿東 博士
地 點:學校操場
時間:早會8:25a.m. – 8:50a.m.
獎 項:博士1人、碩士2人、學士1人、副學士2人、文憑4人、高級證書21人、初級證書32人、證書99人。
評 估:葉懿東同學分數高達210分,已頒發海洋公園入場券作為禮物。
1E 莊秀芬 證書
1E 周俊豪 證書
1E 李智銘 證書
1E 蔡天寶 證書
1F 李雅冰 證書
2A 陳穎生 初級證書
4D 姚植桁 初級證書
1A 盧嘉欣 高級證書
4B 楊雋德 高級證書
2A 陳欣婷 文憑
2A 溫曉敏 文憑
1A 林美莉 初級文憑
4D 葉懿東 博士
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